What is PTSD and how can my recordings help. PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) has become well known over the years for what can happen to soldiers who have seen battle. It is also seen as what can happen to those who have gone through, or seen traumatic events in life.
For soldiers, it is about going from being a normal person, to training to do something we are taught from when we were little kids not to do, to actually killing another human being to survive each day. If it were just the act of killing, it would not be as bad, that can be rationalized as survival. But real life war is not just killing; it is adrenaline, hate, passion, fear, pain, fatigue, exhaustion, and death. It is smells, sounds, thinking quick, paranoia, blood, constant movement, and again death. When a soldier is in a battle zone, he is all about the battle, not about thinking whether he is doing the right or wrong thing. He is just doing what keeps him and his fellow soldiers alive to fight the next day. All that he experiences can be overwhelming at times and hard to deal with depending on how he was brought up in life.
PTSD can start with one event, something that is filled with physical and emotional energy. Once that event has happened, PTSD just keeps on snow balling into more. Acute traumatic stress, the precursor to PTSD can be addressed, but only if immediately seen for what it is within a few hours or days. The longer the time period away from the traumatic event, the harder it is to undo or release the event from the persons being. PTSD, once it has become embedded in you, takes over, and controls you. It controls your actions, behavior, responses, all of you, whether you like it or not. There are so many symptoms to PTSD, look them up, you will find pages of them. The sad part of it all is this; PTSD is just a symptom itself. I will explain this further down in this blog.
PTSD is not just a soldier’s problem. There are many situations in life that can bring on the PTSD symptoms. The list is long, and I am sure there are more then I will list here, but here are just a few; rape, molestation, abuse, some sort of physical trauma (car accident, drive by shooting). These are just a few. People don’t always recognize this possibility of PTSD when these events happen. They look at the physical trauma, but not the mental/emotion. People like to look at child molestation, or rape of an adult as something people will just get over. Depending on what happened during those attacks or violations, there might be too much to get over.
As a Shaman, I look at PTSD as a symptom of a much bigger problem. When a traumatic event happens, you get hurt, that is what your body tells you (if it is a physical event). But the much more long lasting problem for me, as a Shaman is, what happened to you on the spirit/subconscious level.
When a traumatic event happens, your spirit/subconscious goes into shock. As a Shaman, I see shock as when the body, brain, spirit, takes things literal. This is a bad thing. Normally our body sends what its sensory readings (touch, feel, smell, hearing, ect.) to the brain. The brain takes it all in, and tags it to the experience where is can then be sent to the subconscious/spirit to be kept as experience and memories. When a traumatic event happens, there is no filter, so whole event is taken in without understanding or filters. The brain tries to bring it all together and make sense but because it is in shock, it can’t, but still sends it on the subconscious/spirit anyway. The subconscious/spirit, because this event has not been filtered, cannot process the event, so it just sits there, with all of the negative energy that had been taken in, and clogs you. This makes your life stop. Even once you move on, you don’t. Not because you don’t want to, but because your subconscious/spirit has conflict and won’t let you. This unprocessed energy is the problem. Most humans can process traumatic events, if they don’t go into shock. Shock is the problem, it is a moment, long or short, that catches us un expecting or un aware. In that moment our filters don’t catch or process the energy put out in the moment. All traumatic events have energy in them; be it emotional, physical, and sonic (sound). This energy in the event is taken in with the senses during the event. Our filters normally catch this energy and ground it out, keeping things flowing, but when in shock, our filters let it come in and stay with the event, causing the event to tag that event in our life, and make our lives not move forward.
As a Shaman, I have to think, if I were a subconscious/ spirit, and couldn’t move on, how would I deal with it. And then you have the start of PTSD. The subconscious/spirit tries to do many things to get rid of this energy; like play it out in your dreams, get you to be angry, fearful, sad, to release the energy. And if that doesn’t work, it only gets worse and worse, until you get rid of the energy, or give in to the pain it causes.
Here are examples of what I have seen over the years with PTSD symptoms, both soldiers and children. Soldiers have hard times in their relationships, and usually end up in divorce. They usually end up looking for adrenaline vices, like drugs, and doing things that can get them killed. They usually have anger issues, with twinges of fear and paranoia. This all stems from what they experience and witness in war.
For children, believe it or not, are so much similar to what soldier’s experience; they end up with problems in relationships, to the point of hating the sex of the person that caused them harm. They usually end up being self destructive during adolescence, to the point of self mutilation and self harm. And vices (escapism), are just as prominent for children and adolescence as it is for adult soldiers. And yes, they do have the emotional anger, fear, and paranoia issues, although a lot of people chock that up to puberty. But these children experience it much worse.
If these problems are taken care of, or thought to be, and the energy behind the events are not taken care of, it only gets worse, until the person either dies, or gets to such a low point, that they give into the energy release that was needed, and then start to heal. The only problem with going low, is even if you release that energy, there is a strong chance, it didn’t all get released, and can come back around to start the pattern all over again.
Please understand this is what I see as a Shaman, and have see for many years. I put his out here to help those that would just let go. I can get much deeper into the subject of the subconscious/spirit, but rather then do that here, ask you to watch my videos (tap on video on the top of the page), or read my FAQs on my homepage (tap on my owl on the top of the page).
Thank you and I hope what I have spoken makes sense to you
John Owl